Why You Should Wear Your Retainer After Braces

Posted on 07/26/2019

Life After Braces 


There is nothing like looking in the mirror to see your brand new smile for the first time after completing your orthodontic treatment. Whether you've chosen adult braces or Invisalign, the results are the same: Your smile is perfect and beautiful. At Harner Orthodontics, we love seeing our Huntington Beach patients light up after we remove their braces, and we want to make that joy last a lifetime. That's why it's so important to wear your retainer.

Your Retainer Post-Orthodontic Treatment

After your braces have come off, or you've completed your last set of Invisalign aligners, your Huntington Beach orthodontist will fit you for a custom retainer that you'll be instructed to wear daily. Your retainer is necessary to keep your brand new smile beautiful for years to come. It's important to follow these instructions precisely to keep your new smile in perfect shape. 

Risks of Not Wearing Your Retainer

If you neglect to wear your retainer as instructed by your orthodontist, your teeth will start to drift back into their former positions. The soft tissues in your mouth and bones may also shift, compromising your treatment. Additionally, if you don't wear your retainer consistently, you may need further orthodontic treatment to fix your smile. Don't let all your hard work go to waste—keep your smile perfect by preserving it with your retainer.

Contact Your Huntington Beach Orthodontist

At Harner Orthodontics, we've created dream smiles for countless patients at our Huntington Beach office, also serving Seal Beach and Fountain Valley. We're so happy that you've achieved the smile of your dreams, whether through adult braces or Invisalign! We know it will bring you joy for years to come by wearing your retainer. If you have further questions on retention or anything related to orthodontics, we encourage you to give us a call at (714) 842-9933, or reach out to us at our contact page. As your Huntington Beach orthodontist, we can't wait to hear from you!